Thursday, October 04, 2007

I'm all alone... so all alone...

fitting title, no? I see spamalot today (lyrics from one of the songs) and it's how I feel as of late about the quest I've posted several notes to the quest list asking how folks are doing, what they are doing, are we still doing this ect. and I have received no message back! I keep plugging along tho.

Today I posted a message because after talking to some folks who feel the quest is just to hard or just not feasible with their persona or that they don't even have a persona I had a thought (yes it does sometimes happen)

what if we expanded the quest make it more of a SCA quest rather then a persona quest, encourage people to research and learn and try new things in the SCA... ever made a scroll here is a chance to research and create one, enter it into a A&S competition and score 70%.... ever wanted to make garb? research something create it and enter it in a A&S comp. You're a viking but want to try dancing for the quest.... come learn 3 dances and teach one...... it fits all the categories and it makes the SCA focused questionnaire that much more fitting.......

I hope I hear something from the group on this one....

If I don't I will then at least know I am alone in taking this on and frankly I will complete it!

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