Tuesday, May 15, 2007

cooking (part 1)

(Food is necessary for life. Thorough knowledge of this area would be essential. To complete this category you shall document your knowledge of food in your area, including what was available, where it came from, restrictions on food and how it would be prepared. You shall include a sample of a menu for a normal day and for a feast. You must also prepare a suitable dish at an event with appropriate documentation. This shall be judged by the Cook’s Guild. )

So I thought I would post some of the stuff I have been working on in this catagory

Here is my sugar paste dishes drying........ I can't wait to paint them!

And here is some candied carrots and parsnips (on the waxed paper, I ended up not using these as they just didn't take a lot of sugar... I might retry them in time for crossroads) and candied apples and pears... which taste pretty good

A bad pic, of jumbles (elizabethan cookies)

A little close up of the jumbles so you can see the little knots and fun shapes

Monday, May 07, 2007


(Dancing was popular throughout all levels of society. You will be familiar with this art. You may demonstrate your ability by performing at least three dances of different kinds. You must name the place of origin and the time period of each dance and must be able to teach at least one of them. This category ill be judged at a Dance Practice. )

Dances listed below
I taught Black nagg and Black Almain on May 6th at the Raven Hyrst Dance practice

Black Nagg (Playford 3rd edition - 1657)
Setting: A longways set of 3 couples.

1- 4 Double forward, double backward.
5- 8 Repeat.

9-10 Face partner, take 2 hands. First couple slips up hall,
11-12 followed by the second couple,
13-14 and then third,
15-16 all turn single.
17-24 Couples slip back to place in reverse order, all turn single.

1- 8 Siding.

9-10 First man and 3rd woman change places,
11-12 first woman and 3rd man do the same,
13-14 followed by 2nd man and 2nd woman,
15-16 all turn single.
17-24 Do the changes again to return to place, all turn single.

1- 8 Arming.

9-14 Men's hey,
15-16 [men turn.]
17-24 Women's hey,
25-26 [women turn.]

Heart’s Ease (first edition Playford [1651 - registered in 1650])
Setting: A set of 2 couples (facing each other).

1- 4 Double towards the other couple, double away,
5- 8 repeat 1-4.
9-10 Face your partner and double backwards, away from them,
11-12 double towards partner, 13-16 turn your contrary by the right.
17-18 Face your contrary and double backwards, away from them,
19-20 double towards contrary,
21-24 turn your partner by the left.
1- 4 Side right with your partner,
5- 8 side left with your contrary.
9-24 Repeat
9-24. 1- 4 Arm right with your partner,
5- 8 arm left with your contrary.
9-24 Repeat 9-24.

Note: Playford's ``contrary'' is generally called a corner or opposite in modern folkdance.

Transcription: Meet all a D. fall back a D. ?u?.? That againe ?u?:? Men fall back from your We. meet again and turne Co. once round with the right hand ?u?.? All fall back from the Co. they turne, meet againe and turn your owne with the left hand. Sides all with your owne, then with the Co. ?u?.? That againe ?u?.? As before ?u?:? Armes all with your owne ?u?.? That again with the Co. and fall backe from your owne first, as before ?u?:? As before ?u?:?

Black Almain- Inns of Court manuscripts.
Setting: A processional line of couples.

1- 8 4 doubles forward.
9-12 Face partner and drop hands. Double backwards away from partner, double forward towards partner.
13-16 Quarter-turn left (men face up the hall, women face down the hall), double forward up or down the hall, turn around over your right shoulder, double back to place.
17-20 Face partner; men set and turn in place.
21-24 Women do the same.
25-26 Take both hands, turn halfway using one double into partner's place,
27-28 4 slip steps up hall.
29-32 Turn halfway back to your own side, 4 slip steps down hall.
33-36 Drop hands, double backward away from partner, double forward towards partner.

1-36 Repeat with the women setting and turning in place first, followed by the men.

Transcription: Honour. Fowre doubles forward, part handes with a .d. backe, meete again with a .d., A .d. on your lefte hand, a nother on your right hand, the man doe .2. .S. & a .d. rounde, the woman as much, take both handes, change places with a double & slide upwardes .4., Into your own place with a .d., Slyde downe .4., backe a .d. one from another, meet againe. The same againe. Bodleian Library MS Douce 280 (c. 1605/6), transcribed by Wilson Discussion:

A comment in one of the Inns of Court manuscripts, mentioned by Wilson, says that the dance was one of `the newest tunes that are now in vse' in 1584. However, this ballad to the tune is reprinted in Collmann's Ballads and Broadsides chiefly Of the Elizabethan Period; this ballad can be dated to 1570-1 via the Stationers' Register.

A proper new balade expressyng the fames, Concerning a warning to al London dames.
To the tune of the blacke Almaine.
You London dames, whose passyng fames
Through out the world is spread, In to the skye, ascendyng hye To euery place is fled :
For thorow each land and place, For beauties kyndely grace :
You are renowmed ouer all, You haue the prayse and euer shall.
What wight on earth that can beholde More dearer and fayrer dames than you? Therefore to extoll you I may be bolde, Your pace and graces so gay to vieu.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

intro posted

so as you can see by my last post I have posted my intro now I wait and see if it is good enough for the quest but in my eyes that is 2 categories done 8 more to go and about 9 months left until candlemas

my food category is almost finished I just have to finish fleshing out the menu and make the dish, the write up is already done (I plan on entering it at crossroads) and Sunday I'll get the dancing portion done!

not bad, moving right along!